Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Social Media In China Draft 1

          Social media is one of the greatest inventions in twenty first century. It spreads news, helps people conducts social interactions. One of the significant features of social media is   freedom of speech. French thinker Rabindranath Tagore said, I disapprove of what you say , but i will defend to the death your right to say it. Human is born with freedom of speech right. The freedom of speech allow people speak out the truth.
          The advent of the era of internet brings ‘breathing space’ for human, and it promotes people to exercise their freedom of speech right. As internet developing, Some social networking with more freedom such as Facebook, Twitter appear in the internet, which shows a bigger scale of freedom of speech. These social networking gives people more chances to speak out their views. However, nowadays in China people have no freedom of speech of what they are thinking about the government. People even have no right to know the real history through Chinese websites. There is an ironic joke saying go to Diaoyu Island and open the Twitter websites. If it cant be opened, this island belongs to China. This joke deeply shows Chinese government constraints the freedom speech in the internet.
          The original of this problem is caused by Single party System. Because of this system in China, the Chinese Communist Party control the whole power which has no threatening  feeling of their dominating power in China. Chinese Communist Party is the only political     party who owns the government. So Chinese people can try to parade asking for changing   the regime of China and breaking the One Party System in China. So that more parties will   involving in Chinese Politics, which will give Chinese people chance to choose the right      governing party. The freedom of speech may be guaranteed.

1 comment:

  1. Good parts :Your use of Rabindranath Tagore famous quote efficiently shows your support for freedom of speech and gives the reader an rough idea of what your essay will be about at the beginning of your essay.

    Not so good parts :
    -Existing solution missing
    -There is a lack of outside source material which can further clarify and support your presented solution

    Improvement :
    -Additional examples and elaborations about how the locals losses their ability of free speech should be included to gives the reader a clearer picture.
    - I'm not sure how parading a change in political regime would guarantee freedom of speech (more elaboration is required)
